It's hard to believe, but our little munchkin is 7 months old already. It seems the months just go by faster and faster. Ava continues to be such a happy baby, especially when someone is paying exclusive attention to her! She is doing quite well with the solid foods. She eats most of the ones we have tried, usually about one third to one half of a jar at a time. We've decided that applesauce is her favorite so far, just like her father! We feed her once a day which is enough mess for us for now.
We took Ava to a drive-in movie last night which did not start until 9:15 pm. She did not fall asleep on the way there like we had hoped, so we were unsure how it would go. It took her about 20 minutes to fall asleep in her seat, and then we never heard another peep out of her. It seems this may be a good way for us to get to see a movie without having to get a sitter. I wish I could stay awake, though. Waiting until dark for them to start is not good for me.