We were lucky enough to be the guests of Shelly & Jason at a friend's condo on West Okoboji last week. It was a very nice place with a great location...within walking distance to Arnold's Park and a beautiful view of the lake. Everyone had their own bedroom and bathroom which was great, and Ava slept in the pack-n-play up in a loft off of our room. Unfortunately, it had to be a midweek stay as the owners of the condo use it on weekends, so Brad could not spend the days with us. He did come down each evening and spend the night. Mom & Dad came up and spent one day with us at Arnolds Park and then had supper with us at the condo. We enjoyed the amusement park and watching Sam & Addison ride all the rides. Ava even seemed to enjoy riding the train that tours the park. She really couldn't get enough of all the surroundings and everything going on. She was a trooper in the stroller for extended periods of time. The nap was not a success in the stroller, but she remained in good spirits even though she was exhausted. She even took a ride on the carousel and seemed to think that was okay. Overall, it was a great trip. I hope we can do it again very soon!