Well, the day has arrived. At 11 months and one week, Ava is finally getting teeth. Of course, she is not getting just one, but four teeth coming in all on top. The bottom is pretty swollen so I am anticipating those to be coming soon. I had not looked for a couple of days, and Brad noticed on Saturday that she was really knawing on her toys. He took a peek and there were all these teeth coming in all at once. She is doing pretty well with the whole process. There has been some crying in the night off and on, but not terrible. She is not running a fever at all. She does have a nasty diaper rash that will not go away no matter what we try. Hopefully, that will pass.
As for the popeye picture, Ava found a new favorite toy. Grandma Chris bought dart guns for my nephews this summer when they stayed with us, and Ava found one of the darts in the toy basket. Well, needless to say, she loved it and insisted on having it stick out of her mouth for hours while she chewed on it. Eventually, we had to toss it for the choking hazard. She was not happy to have to say goodbye.
Our little monkey is everywhere! She is pulling up on everything, even on toys in the middle of the room. She is getting pretty fast at crawling too. She loves her new found skills. Each time she pulls up on a piece of furniture, she grins with delight. We are adjusting to the change of having a child that moves quickly.