Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas Day with the Kiddos....

We made the kids wait until after lunch to open their gifts from us to "spread the joÿ" out a little bit.  They only asked 400 times if it was time to open presents yet.

Owen's new gas station

Brad told Ava to try to show a little more emotion!  This is what we got!

Brad got me a piece to my Willow Tree Nativity

AG rollerskates!

This is the face of someone who realizes they got the gift they've been asking for for over a year!

Yes- she's happy!  A new AG doll!

Welcome Saige to our house!

Ava with McKenna and Saige

Owen's tractor and trailers.  He loved the round bales.  He had to correct me when I asked him how he liked his bales, "No, Mom they are round bales.  That's what Daddy says."

Owen opening his new workshop!

The kids playing with their new dry erase board.  Both seem to enjoy this!

It all seems over so soon!  All the shopping (which I did 90% off online this year), decorating, wrapping, anticipation, assembling, cleaning up, undecorating is over.  Sad that this wonderful time of year has drawn to a close, but so thankful for all the wonderful time we had celebrating with family and friends.
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Santa Came!

Owen was the first one up, so he got to play with the one toy Santa didn't wrap: a new parking garage!

Ava's unwrapped gift from Santa was a new electric scooter.  She was surprised at Santa's change of heart not to wrap it and thought Owen had unwrapped it while she was sleeping.

I love matching PJ's!  I will continue to buy them until Ava will refuse to wear them!

New books!

A new train set!

Just what she wanted...a coat for her AG doll.

Both kids were sure they heard Santa on the roof and coming in the house during the night, but they knew they had better not come out of their rooms and check.  Ava was also not surprised by the fact that Santa didn't eat all the cookies she left for him as she knew he would be getting full from all those stops.  She also knew he only liked red frosted cookes, of course. They weren't as sad to say goodbye to our elf, Gordy, as I thought they would be.  We enjoyed a fun morning of playing with toys in our PJ's, pancakes, and relaxing!

Christmas Eve at our House....

After the long trip home from Grandma's church in Sanborn, the kids were wired and excited for Christmas, especially since it was 9:30 pm!  We did manage to grab a few photos before we got ready for bed as we didn't have time at Mom's before church.

The annual "Night Befoe Christmas" bedtime story.  Ava didn't forget to put out the cookies and milk for Santa.  We were all ready to get some zzzzz's. 
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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Eve at Mom's.....

Everybody minus Sandy & family

The Kleis Family

An attempt at our family

Opening gifts

Owen and his new garbage truck

Reese & her favorite Aunt

Owen got new tools!


The girls got joke books which they loved

Owen is helping Grandpa unwrap

Reese and her new doll

We had a wonderful Christmas get together at Mom's.  She made pork, mashed potatoes, and all the fixings for lunch which was all so good.  We then opened gifts and had desserts... many, many desserts.  It was great to get together with everyone and celebrate the birth of Jesus.   
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Happy Birthday to Grandma Chris & Cookie Baking....

We surprised Grandma with a birthday cake!

The first dough is rolled out and the girls are ready!

Ava stuck it out the longest for cutting the cookies out, but Addie was back when it was time for frosting.

Owen even frosted a little bit.

This was the cookie that Owen frosted and then dumped half a bottle of sprinkles on when Grandma wasn't looking. 

Her mouth is a little green tinged from licking so much frosting!

Our masterpieces!

Addie & Ava enjoying some fruits of their labor

Reese was a trooper for the decorating but didn't get too far from her mom or the high chair for more food!

Grandma Chris cut out Mr. & Mrs. Claus felt magnets for the girls to glue together which was a copy from a magnet set that her Grandma had made for her.  The girls certainly enjoyed the craft!

We enjoyed going to the farm to celebrate Grandma's 64th birthday.  Wasn't she just 40?  We had another wonderful annual Christmas cookie making at mom's.  Mom always has everything ready to go for us including the dough, frosting, and cookie cutters.  We just get to come for the fun part.  Ava just loves it and I think it's pretty fun too.  Owen was around this year, but didn't do a ton of decorating and he certainly didn't eat even a whole cookie.  He does love Grandma's toys! 
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