Friday, November 19, 2010

Big Sister Ava & the Birthday Party

Birthday Party: Ava, Katherine (birthday girl), & Mariah So excited for the first "friend" birthday party
Daddy and the two munchkins all ready for bed!
Loves her "footie" jammies!
Bouncing Owen in his seat to keep him happy while Mom is busy getting supper ready
Ava was invited to her first "friend" birthday party. When we recieved the invitation in the mail and I told Ava about it, she couldn't have been more excited. She just loves birthdays! One of her friends, Katherine, from Luverne had her 4th birthday party at the Pizza Ranch. Ava loved shopping for a present for Katherine although she did point out a few things she'd like for herself. When the party day actually arrived, Ava couldn't wait to get ready to go. The party was busy and chaotic with lots of little kids and moms. Ava seemed to enjoy herself and playing with all the kids. Katherine had a ball!
Brad and I are very proud of Ava for taking up the big sister role wo well. When it is just Ava, Owen, and myself at home all day, she really is such a good helper. She often anticipates the things I will need for Owen and bring them to me without me having to ask her. She can sometimes get him to stop crying in his bouncy when I'm busy doing other things. Ava can't stand when Owen cries and will tell me "Pick Owen up Mommy, he is crying" or "Mommy, Owen needs a drink of milk.". She is so concerned about him. She always wants to know where Owen is. I've tried to do some things in the evenings when Brad is home that are just her and I, so she still feels like she has some time with Mom. It usually isn't anything big, but maybe running to the grocery store. Last night, we were on our way to the store, just her and I, and she asked me if Owen could come along :) I think she likes having someone in the backseat with her!

Owen is 1 month old...

After bath which he loves!
Daddy has the trick with getting him to sleep on his tummy...I don't have such good luck.
Owen is exhausted! We just got home from the portrait was a pretty big workout to get his one month pictures taken!
The "little birdie" face - my favorite!
Big yawn!
Hard to believe it has been an entire month since we brought little Owen home from the hospital. He seems to have his nights and days straightened out which is great for us. His average night right now is going down at 10:30 pm, then up at 1:30, 4:30, and 7:30. He doesn't miss those marks by much, so I'd say he has his schedule down. After the 7:30 feeding, he is pretty awake for a while but that could be because his sister is up and chatting away. Needless to say, we are happy his awake hours are coinciding with our schedule a little better. He loves baths and being talked to. He recently started smiling a lot, especially when I talk to him, so that is very fun. I just decided to give up dairy products because Owen seems to have some gastrointestinal problems. It seems like he has a tummy ache quite a bit, so I'm trying this to see if it will help. I love my milk and cheese, but a happier baby is worth it. These past few days, he seems to be pretty content. He only has had a very short time in the evening (half hour or so) where he is fussy, otherwise lots of sleeping, eating, and quiet awake time. I can't say it is because I have given up dairy yet since they say that takes a few weeks to notice a difference. It hasn't been quite a week yet, so we shall see. We go back to the doctor on Tuesday to have his TSH and Free T4 tested again to see if they are within normal limits. Otherwise, we are doing really well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thanksgiving with VanMeeteren Side..

Ava's "cheesy" grin
Addie & Ava holding Owen...he is thrilled!
Daddy is working his magic with fussy Owen
Two peas in a pod!
Addie & Sam
My parents invited us to their house for an early Thanksgiving this year. They typically leave for Tucson a week prior to Thanksgiving, so it's not a holiday that we usually get to have with them. However, this year worked out well that they were done harvesting early, and allowed for a little extra time for a get together. Mom made turkey, dressing, and all the extras right down to the pumpkin pie. The meal was fabulous and it was nice sharing the holiday together. We all ate way too much and Owen got spoiled all day long! Ava enjoyed playing with Addie as usual. I will say I did feel a little absence as it seemed like Grandma Flo should have been there. She would have loved to hold Owen as she so enjoyed little babies.