Daddy & Owen napping in the hospital
Owen all ready to go home from hospital (Weight: 9 lbs, 0 oz)
Mommy & Owen with the flowers from Daddy
We are all home & Ava is opening her presents
Ava with her new "baby brother" doll - about the same size as Owen
Grandpa Glenn and Owen
Owen ready for bed his first night at home
Proud Big Sister Ava
Heading to the doctor for first well check-3 days old (Weight: 9 lbs 4 oz)
Owen with his eyes open - 4 days old
Mommy & Owen
Owen's favorite place to sleep...Mommy & Daddy's bed!
Our first week with Owen at home has been good overall. Our biggest struggle has been sleeping at night. He has spent the majority of each day sleeping (I wake him to eat) and then he is up all night, eating every hour from around 10pm to 4 am). I've had several nights where I didn't get to sleep at all until 4-5am. Other than the severe lack of rest, things are going well. Owen is a good baby and really doesn't cry much unless he wants to eat. He seems to enjoy being in our bed and will fall asleep after nursing. However, if we try to lay him down in his own bed, he's not a big fan. He is getting more alert each day, and we are really enjoying the fun of having a cuddley newborn around again. Ava had a rough first few days after we got home from the hospital, but she is doing better all the time. She did ask me if Owen was going back in my tummy the other day, but for the most part she really loves him. She constantly asks to hold him and gives him kisses pretty often. She is starting to get used to how things are with a sibling, and we are trying to keep things as close to the same for her as possible. She really looks forward to Daddy coming home each day so they can have their time to play that she so enjoys. We were fortunate to have my mom come and stay for a few days and help take care of the house and Ava a couple days after we got home from the hospital. It was nice to have someone else available for the needs of Ava along with the cooking. Now we are on our own...