Friday, June 6, 2014

Tristan and the Start of the Garden....

 Owen's first official passenger....Tristan looks a bit scared!

 Hannah & Tristan came over for another fun Easter egg hunt.

 The birth of the garden started with that pile of dirt.

Happy Easter....

 Yes, we let them try out the new car in their church clothes before church.  Any guesses on which parent approved that?

 After church, we were invited to Gary & Joyçe's for dinner along with my parents.  It was a very nice day and the kids loved playing outside.

 Owen even got to put a few miles on Joe's old pedal tractor.  He's finally big enough to pedal this year.

After dinner, Grandma had an Easter egg hunt for the kids around the house which they enjoyed.  It was a great day to enjoy the sunshine and celebrate our risen Savior. 

Easter Morning!

 The "Squish" as Owen calls it.  This is where you take every blanket and pillow from the main floor and pile it up between the ottoman and the couch and hide in it.  They play "squish"quite often and it's a great game.

 The Easter Bunny came.....

Ava's note she left for the Easter Bunny with her craft she made in school.
 The Easter Bunny left a special treat - they were quite excited.  The Easter Bunny was quite tired from staying up late assembling it the night before!

The egg hunt begins!

Wasn't it just yesterday that only Ava could hunt eggs and Owen was a little baby?  We have to celebrate each milestone as they are going fast!

Easter Egg Dying...

 The kids were pretty into the Easter eggs this year.  They dyed and redyed eggs until they couldn't really even see a change in the colors anymore.  Ava enjoyed the glitter and stickers that came with the kit.  Owen only partially spilled a cup of dye, so overall a success!
 Then it was time for Owen's nap so Ava got to make nests with rice krispies.  We didn't have any jelly beans, but we all love M&M's, so the substitution was no problem at our house.

 She loves doing things herself! 