Here we are in 2009 already! Where does the time go. On New Years Day, Ava turned another month older, 14 months. She is quite the character lately. She loves to play "peek-a-boo" at any chance she gets. She will suddenly cover her eyes, and then check your reaction. It is precious. She will also play by hiding behind objects or her parents.
Here are the stats:
Weight: 24 lbs, 3 oz.
Movement: Ava has advanced from just walking to running. She still falls quite a bit, especially on the wood floor. She is getting better all the time at walking while carrying objects. This is one of her favorite pass times. She loves to pick up three or four smaller objects and try to hang onto them all while walking around. Needless to say, she drops things often and spends a lot of time trying to bend over and pick it up while hanging on to the other stuff. It is too cute to watch!
Speech: Ava continues to advance with her words. She doesn't have a wide vocabulary, but she is starting to verbalize more and more. Common words she says are "Mum"(Mom), "Daa"(Dad), "Woah" (when she falls or sees something neat),
"num, num" (while eating), "hi" (to greet us). She is also understanding more and more of what we say which is fun.
Food: Ava continues to be a great eater. She eats pretty much anything and quite a large quantity. She typically eats at least 1/2 a cereal bowl full of oatmeal with 1/2 a banana for breakfast. She still has room to have some of Mommy or Daddy's cheerios. Other favorites include vegatable soup, pizza, any bread, apple sauce, and most any dessert. She still will not eat any fruits unless you hide them in something and even then, sometimes she will separate it and spit it out.
Teeth: Just shortly before the new year, Ava got two new teeth on the bottom. That brings the tally up to 7!
Sleep: Ava has been sleeping really late lately. She typically goes to bed at 8 or 8:30 and will sleep until 8:30 the next morning. We were spoiled over Christmas with this wonderful schedule! She is not taking very good naps right now. It could be the teeth or the fact that she is sick, but many days she will only take one, two hour nap per day. This is much less than usual for her and she seems tired, but just not able to sleep. We shall see....maybe the one really long nap or two nap days are over.
We have been continuing to battle the double ear infection. We went back to the doctor to recheck her ears, and she still had infections. We are currently doing another round of antibiotics. Hopefully, this will take care of it. Overall, Ava continues to be in good spirits despite the infections. She seems to be in a very clingy stage right now. I am not sure if it was all the company over the holidays or what, but she certainly likes her mommy. Sometimes, she won't even go to Brad. Hopefully, this is short lived.