Brad and I agree that Ava seems to be growing "overnight". It seems like every day we are seeing her do something new that we haven't seen before. She is getting better at moving around. She spends much more time on her stomach (we have even caught her sleeping this way!). We think she finally figured out that this was the only way she was going to be able to move. She scoots around in a circular motion on her belly and can also propel herself backward just this last week or so. The backwards movement seems to upset her as usually she would like to be going forward. Ava also seems to be liking more "people food". She will now eat different foods we give her such as bread and pasta in addition to a jar of baby food once a day. She is not scared to open her mouth very wide for whatever you would like her to try. If only this willingness to try new foods would continue to toddlerhood...we can hope!