We are not sure if the Olympics has inspired Ava, but she certainly does love to jump! While we don't love that she jumps off the furniture, we did allow it for a brief time just to witness how high and far she could jump. We were pretty amazed. I'm not sure how long the obsession with "flight" is going to last, but she continues to find new avenues to explore it.
On a side note Ava has some interesting things she does right now. She proudly calls helicopters "hot doctors". She asks a couple nights a week at bedtime if "Mommy workin, Hannah come soon" so she can apparently plan out her day, or to see when she will be getting rid of Mommy! She also seems to know exactly who I'm on the phone with just by the way I talk. Usually just a couple minutes into the conversation, she will walk up and ask to "say hi" to whoever it is. She is obsessed with playing babies right now. It is one of her favorite things to do, especially when daddy comes home. She quickly rushes him into her closet and directs him to where she'd like him to sit so she can hand him a baby. She isn't afraid to be bossy, that is for sure!