Another month has flown by and Ava is now 8 months old. I cringe at how fast a year is going to be here. As you can see by the pictures, we have a little lawn chair for her. It's designed for a child a little older, but she can sit in it okay. She loves to be outside and look at everything around her. We are amazed at how fast she notices things and grabs for them now. You really can't have anything near her or she will have it and be putting it in her mouth.
Teeth: We are continuing to battle with the puddles of drool but no signs of any teeth. I can still feel a bump on top, but that has been there for about 4 months now.
Sleep: Ava still sleep really well. Usually from 8:30 pm to 7:30 am with a 2 hour nap in the morning and a 2 plus hour nap in the afternoon.
Food: The solid foods are going well. She is still eating about a half jar of stage 1 baby food once per day. She doesn't seem to want anymore than that at this point. Sometimes, it is a struggle to get her to eat that. She definitely still likes to nurse.
Movement: There are some signs of movement now. Ava is able to scoot across the floor lying on her back using her feet to shove herself towards her head. It is quite comical to watch. She sort of lifts her butt up in the air and then plants her feet and gives herself a good push. She will only go a little ways and then she has to rest and kick her feet for a little while. Heaven forbid she get too much exercise!