Monday, May 19, 2008

Ava is now 6 1/2 months and is so much fun. She lights up and smiles nearly every time you talk to her. She is on the move and can scoot around the floor more and more each day. We have tried a few baby foods recently and they seem to be going over pretty well. She likes peaches and applesauce. We tried peas today and they weren't such a big hit, but she could have been a little full. Ava takes two good naps during the day, usually about 2 hours, and sometimes a brief evening nap. She usually sleeps from about 8:30 to 9:00 pm to 7:00 am. She usually greets us in the morning with some talking. She typically does not cry, but is happy entertaining herself in her crib.

Mother's Day 2008

For Mother's Day, we headed to meet Mom & Dad at the Country Club near Shelly and Jason's house. We enjoyed a nice brunch and then headed to Shelly & Jason's afterward for some nice lounging time at the house so the kids could take naps. It was a beautiful day & it was great getting the family together. Ava wasn't too crazy about napping on Shelly & Jason's bed, but she did eventually fall asleep for a short time. She did well and, as usual, was a good traveler for the hour and a half trip.

It has been nearly a year since my last post, but I am going to attempt to keep up with the blogging now. A lot has happened since July 2007. On November 1, 2007, we had our first baby, Ava Claire, weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. She has been such a blessing to our family. We also moved into our new house just outside of Luverne on December 7, 2007. We are finallly starting to feel a bit more settled and enjoying life. Ava is now six months and really developing a personality. Her current weight is 19 lbs 5 oz and she is 26 3/4 inches long. She can roll easily from her back to her stomach, and also back to her back but that takes a little more effort. She can sit by herself and is starting to eat food.