Saturday, January 28, 2012

Owen 15 Months Old....

So hard to believe Owen has rounded the 1 year mark and is 15 months old already. If I only had one word to describe Owen right now, it would be "busy". He is very curious about everything and wants to get into whatever he can get his hands on. He recently has been obsessed with toilet water. He has successfully dunked his arms to his elbows in various toilets in our house at least 5 times now, sometimes I am literally standing right there, but you can't get to him fast enough when you see what he is going to do. The picture above was taken just seconds before he threw both of the slippers he's holding into the toilet!! This brings us to his next favorite thing to do which is to try on and carry around shoes. He loves to wear Ava's slippers because they are just big enough for him to get his feet into, but not so large that he can't still walk in them. Quite often, one of my shoes is missing from by the door and I will find it in his room or some other random place in the house. He also loves steps (going up them he is like lightning, but not so great going down). We have to watch him pretty closely around any steps because he is very determined to take a leap of faith off the top to see what happens. Thankfully we have a gate, but at other people's houses, it's not so easy.
Sleep: Owen is sleeping from 7-7:30 pm until 7:00 am. His typical nap is 12:30-3:30pm. On occassion, he will still take a short morning nap and then a couple hour afternoon nap, but our schedule doesn't permit that very often.
Food: Owen is not scared to eat. He loves cheerios and bread probably the most of any food. I usually have to mix his meat and veggies together and feed him that first which he typically eats very well. Then I will give him a piece of bread afterwards. If he gets the bread first or with his meal, he won't eat anything else. He also loves bananas (he can eat an entire one with cereal for breakfast!). He loves grapes, pineapple, and apples. He doesn't seem to care for cheese all that much unlike his sister or barbeque sauce. Otherwise, he's not a very fussy eater. He doesn't always eat great for all 3 meals, but usually 2 for sure. I'm not too worried, I think he gets plenty!
Speech: Owen babbles nearly all the time as he's walking around the house. We hear lots of "ba ba, na na, da da, ma ma" and other more complicated words that make no sense to us but he's always trying them out to see what our reaction is. He seems to be able to comprehend things we say like "where's your blanket?" or "where's Ava?". He shakes his head "no" when he's done eating or doesn't want something at all. Ava enjoys making up things that she thinks he is saying which is always comical.
Teeth: I wish I could report that Owen has gotten more teeth. His gums are swollen and I know he's been in pain several nights with teeth coming in, but we haven't seen anything yet. He still has the same 8 teeth he's had for quite a while. He hasn't been sleeping well for the past couple weeks. Without Tylenol, he's been waking at least once per night. I'm hoping we can get over this soon.
He continues to adore everything Ava says or does. They are starting to play together a lot more which both of them seem to enjoy. Owen is usually the first one to leave but Ava is quick to try to recapture his attention if she can. Posted by Picasa

Our First Real Snow of the Year in January!

It was finally time to haul out those crisp new snow pants and try them out. We had our first significant snowfall in late January. Ava wasn't sure what to do at first, but quickly enjoyed making footprints in the driveway before Brad got the skidloader out to scoop (another big highlight as Ava gets to ride in the cab now). She has enjoyed playing with our neighbor Hailey a couple times out on the snow pile. She never complains of being cold and I know her cheeks are just freezing when she comes in. She just loves to play outside!Posted by Picasa

Daddy's Happy Birthday!

It seems life has been a little crazy since I've been back to work in January. I'm covering a coworkers maternity leave, so I'm working a little more than usual. Brad's birthday fell on the dreaded Tuesday which is always a work day for me and dance night for Ava so the evening is pretty crazy. We ate supper and then got Owen down for bed, then Ava finally got to sing Happy Birthday to her daddy and dig into that big cookie! She was more than willing to pose for pictures and help blow out the candles! Oh, and eating the cookie wasn't too bad either! Posted by Picasa

My Little Bathing Cuties!

Owen is "obsessed" with being up on the stool and playing in the sink

Notice Owen never utilizes his half of the bathtub, but is always crowding Ava. They both seem to thoroughly enjoy taking baths least for now. Ava will not take a bath without him.Posted by Picasa

Owen's 1st Haircut- 15 Months....

Before Photo: Top Before Photo: Side with all his curls!
We first tried having Ava sit by him to see if that cheered him up, but not so much
The pacifier had to come out and then at least he was not hysterical
After Photo: My Big Boy!
After Back Picture: No more curls!
Owen's first haircut was long overdue, but we didn't have the heart to cut all his baby curls off because we knew it would make him look so much older and neither Brad or I were ready for that. I finally decided to make the appointment and Brad wasn't all that thrilled, but Ava and I took Owen to the salon. Owen wasn't happy when initially plopped into the salon chair, but after some bribery he at least sat nicely with a frown on his face! We didn't cut it very short this time, but he still looked so much older afterwards. I wonder if he'll still have his curls when it grows back?Posted by Picasa

Early January Owen almost 15 Months....

Getting a "ride" and loving it!
Owen loves toothbrushes- especially ones that spin!
Owen's hangout before bed- watching TV with Daddy.
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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bridges Bay Waterpark....

Fresh out of the big waterslide
We decided to take a little trip before I had to go back to work the first week in January. We decided on Bridges Bay in Okoboji. We went during the week after New Year's and had the waterpark nearly to ourselves for most of our stay. Ava loved every minute of it, especially the big waterslide. She spent lots of time going down slides and swimming in the lazy river with her life jacket on. Owen was not a huge fan of playing in the water which was a little surprising. He loves playing in the bathtub. Part of it could have been that he was sick from Christmas to well after New Year's, so he wasn't himself. Brad brought some work along and stayed in the room with him while he napped. Even though Ava didn't sleep well in the hotel as usual (so neither did we), we all had a great time!
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High Chair fun...

Owen has inherited my eye closing gene for pictures!
Look at that wild hair!
Ava is more than happy to assist when I need to keep Owen busy. We were packing to go to Okoboji and Owen just can't stay away from the door to the garage if it's open (and falling down the steps), so I have to put him somewhere where he can't move. Ava is used to this ritual and once I put him in his high chair or seat at the bar, she immediately will grab him a snack to keep him busy. She's such a little mother hen! Posted by Picasa

Christmas with the Sieve Side at Our House...

Joe & Ava
Opening Gifts
Owen opening up his tractor
Matching coats for the boys
We hosted the Sieve Christmas this year. Gary, Joyce, and Joe came to our on Christmas Day to celebrate. We had soup, ate Christmas goodies, and opened gifts. It was a fun day and nice to get together!
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Christmas Morning Part 2:

New binoculars!

Owen was keeping himself entertained!

New food!
My attempt at getting the matching PJ picture!
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Santa Comes on Christmas Morning...

Santa brought Ava a new puppy

Owen had to try out the sit-n-spin from Grandma Chris
Ava posing by the stocking gifts...Owen was not game for a picture.
Ava was thrilled to find that Santa had come on Christmas morning. She had that mysterious look in her eye when we showed her the Christmas cookie with a big bite taken out of it that Santa had sampled. She was more than happy to pitch in and help Owen open his gifts. I think Santa thought the kids were good this year :) Posted by Picasa