Gosh, these blocks look fun!

Matching Easter Outfits (Ava 3 1/2, Owen 6 months)

"You know I'm going to knock over those blocks...."

So happy to be in my diaper!
Such a nice smile!
What better way to celebrate Owen's 6 month birthday than a fun day at the portrait studio! Okay, not exactly my idea of fun as it ends up being quite a bit of work in preparation on my part (I'm usually perspiring by the time we are actually taking pictures), but I do love getting the pictures afterwards. It was a wonderful rainy/snowy day so the kids didn't get to wear their nice spring outfits to the studio which meant more changing outfits fun for me! We were planning to meet Shelly and Addie anyway that day, so they ended up coming to the studio shortly after pictures began which was wonderful! Once Ava was done with her pictures, her and Addie played the rest of the time together which was a huge help to me. Shelly was wonderful help as usual. Owen was very cooperative for his 6 month portraits. Aside from spitting up all over the floor and chair (the guy helping the photographer wasn't terribly amused!), he did well. He was very smiley and happy until we got about 45 minutes into it. At that point, we decided there was no more outfit changes, and we were going to wrap it up.
Here is the low down at 6 months:
Sleep:Owen is sleeping from around 8:00 pm until 7:00 am each night. He is sleeping during the night very well and we rarely hear a peep out of him. His naps are not as scheduled as I would like them to be. He usually sleeps from 9:30-11:30, 2:00-4:00 or 4:30, and then a short cat nap in the evening if he needs it. We certainly can't set our watch my his napping schedule, but he does typically sleep between 4-5 hours per day.
Movement: Owen is still rolling over pretty often in his crib and is pretty versatile in sleeping on either his belly or his back. He can scoot towards his head when laying on his back all the way across the living room floor. He sits up better every day, but often ends up falling over onto his belly. He kind of gets up to all fours, but he is mostly able to just get his upper half off the floor. I don't think we have to worry about him crawling or pulling up just yet as he is pretty happy just sitting there. Besides, I don't think I'm ready for that yet :)
Language: Owen is "talking" more and more all the time. He loves to babble, sometimes quite loudly, especially in church! He loves to have conversations with his sister. Ava loves it just as much!
Activity: He is really starting to enjoy his exersaucer more and more. He still loves to lay on the floor and play with his toys. It is fun to see him start to be able to push the buttons on the toys and figure things out. He puts up with his share of "abuse" from Ava from dressing him up to pouncing on him without a lot of complaining. Overall, he is a pretty easy little boy to get along with!