Good times with Grandpa & Grandma.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Alexandria Trip Part 3: Arrowwood
Lake side of the main resort building. Check out the sandbags around the boat house- the dock was even with the water and we got our feet wet when we walked on it.
Eating at the deck grill
The grounds of the resort were just gorgeous, despite the flooding. The beach was completely gone and many picnic areas were under water near the lake. We all walked out on the dock even though it was nearly under water which Ava thought was great (again, where did my daughter go who is afraid of everything?) We enjoyed a wonderful meal at the deck grill. The weather was perfect. A wonderful end to a great day!Alexandria Trip Part 2: Arrowwood Waterpark
Alexandria Trip: Part 1
Ava & Layne (modeling his Wendy's uniform)
Layne, Owen, & Ava at the beach We decided we were long overdue for a trip up to Alexandria, so we planned the trip and took off. The car ride was fairly uneventful. Both kids did well except Owen decided he was done with the car for the last half hour and cried hysterically until we got to Lisa and Roy's. We spent our first night with them at their house. They made us a delicious breakfast. We then spent some time at the beach, went for a walk around their neighborhood, and went out to eat. The weather was gorgeous!
Grandpa & Grandma "Chris"....
Brad doing some work at my parent's house (Ava was right in on the action)
Mom had a very interested Owen out to watch the action on the porch
Grandma Chris & Owen
Grandpa Glenn & Ava (A.C. as Grandpa calls her)
Brad had some work to do at my parent's house, so we all went down and spent the night. Ava loves to go the Grandma's house.
Hannah & Luke Come to Visit...
Luke, Hannah, Ava & Owen
Family Photo
Luke playing bubbles with Ava
We had Hannah & Luke over for supper during my two week break from work before the new school year begins. We had to celebrate the fact that they have completed their lengthy adoption application process and are now ready to be chosen by some lucky family. Now it is just a matter of time before they get that call that there is a baby waiting for them. We are praying the wait is not long! They will be such fantastic parents. Ava had a great evening playing bubbles and "bouncy ball" with her buddies :)Blue Mound State Park...
Friday, August 12, 2011
A Preview to Senior Portraits...