Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Mornings....

PJ's and a yummy breakfast....doesnt' get any better than this!
Owen isn't even getting to enjoy any food yet, but he's still happy as ever!
I have to confess that I have come to love Saturday mornings. Ever since Owen has been born, Brad has gotten up and made a big breakfast for the family every Saturday morning. We all hang out in our pajamas and relax for nearly the entire morning. It's so great for me because I just get to eat and usually get out of making any lunch because we are still so full from breakfast. Brad can make a mean waffle, pancake, omelet, or even biscuits and gravy. It is a fantastic tradition (although I don't know how great for the waistline) that I hope continues for a long time!

Ava & Hannah's "Projects".....

We are continuously amazed at all that Hannah gets done while she is at our house taking care of the kids. Not only does she keep the house spotlessly clean, the kids well taken care of, and laundry done, but she also finds time to make special crafts with Ava. Ava has come to expect that Hannah will have some fantastic "project" for her to do each time she comes, and Hannah usually delivers. This is just a couple of their projects from last week. Hannah's ideas are amazing and Ava is so proud to show me her artwork when I get home. What would we ever do without Hannah? She is such a blessing to our family!

Ava & Owen Asleep...not in their beds!

Owen sound to sleep before we had a chance to lay him down
Ava falls asleep in the middle of the afternoon!
I had to post these pictures because our kids really don't fall asleep on us. Even Owen doesn't sleep much if he isn't in his crib. Ava was sitting next to me when I suddenly noticed she was breathing hard. I was shocked to discover she had fallen asleep, sitting up in a chair. This will be a once in a lifetime occurence I'm sure!

Spring is Here...Maybe?

Riding around the circle for the first time on her own bike
Ava has not forgotten her love for sunglasses...
Riding her trike
We haven't had any incredibly warm days yet, but we have had some "tolerable" days where Ava has been able to play outside, mostly highs in the 40's. She has enjoyed time on the bike and swingset this year. Her favorite was today when her and Daddy took a few spins around the circle on their bikes. There are some pretty good hills and Ava has never been able to ride her bike down the big hills without being scared and Brad having to help her. Well, she has now figured out how to brake on her bike. She must have asked Brad 50 times if they could go around the circle again after their inital 6 times around! This is pretty exciting!

Owen is 5 Months Old....

In his "Cow" pajamas--daddy's favorites
Our little guy is changing and developing every day. As he has turned 5 months old, he is now able to sit up with the assistance of the boppy. This does present some problems with his reflux. As he compresses his tummy, he spits up easier. He is very into trying to grab things and hold onto them right now. If he really had his way, everything would be in his mouth if he can get it there. It has become nearly impossible to do things while holding him on your lap. He will lean to grab the book you are holding, remote control in your hand, or your plate of food in front of you. He seems to have a great temperment. We can't believe how happy he is most of the time. You just have to glance at him and smile and he will light up with a big grin. He loves to be talked to and lets you know if you aren't paying enough attention to him. He also loves to lay on the floor and play with his toys, but will get frustrated if he loses something. He never has to fuss long before his big sister is running to his rescue to pick up whatever he has lost. She keeps pretty close tabs on what he is doing. He is still sleeping great, usually 8:30 pm to 8:00 am. He's napping from 9:30-11:30 and 2:00-5:00 approximately. He has gotten so he really never lets out a peep when we lay him down to sleep. It's almost as if he is relieved to be getting to rest. He does love to eat and sleep! We haven't tried any solid foods yet as I'm not excited for the disaster at mealtime. I have everything ready to go to try at 6 months.

Ava's Mysterious Rash...

March has not been a great month healthwise at our house. We have all been sick, mostly coughs and runny noses. Even Owen contracted his first sickness. He was a little stuffy and had a little cough, but never ran a fever which was good. Ava was sick for a week or so when she suddenly started developing these weird circles on her torso. I first noticed one on her chest and one on her back. I didn't think much of it, but the next night when I pulled off her shirt to get in the shower, she was covered in the varying sized circles. They didn't itch or seem to bother her, but I really thought it looked strange. Much to her delight, we went to the doctor the next day. Dr. Crabtree initially thought it was a type of hive, but then decided it was related to the viral infection she had that was making her sick, and it would just have to run it's course. The rash only stuck around for a couple more days and no one else in the house got it. I can't wait for spring!

Owen Rolls Over...

A Success! Now if I could only get back to my belly!
Starting the Roll...
His hangout chair in the playroom
On March 3, 2011, Owen rolled over for the first time from his tummy to his back at just over 4 and 1/2 months old. I'm not surprised as he loves tummy time and had been rocking back and forth for a while. He beat his sister in rolling over by quite a ways as she was almost 6 months old. No sign of any rolling over from back to tummy though.