Saturday, April 2, 2011

Owen is 5 Months Old....

In his "Cow" pajamas--daddy's favorites
Our little guy is changing and developing every day. As he has turned 5 months old, he is now able to sit up with the assistance of the boppy. This does present some problems with his reflux. As he compresses his tummy, he spits up easier. He is very into trying to grab things and hold onto them right now. If he really had his way, everything would be in his mouth if he can get it there. It has become nearly impossible to do things while holding him on your lap. He will lean to grab the book you are holding, remote control in your hand, or your plate of food in front of you. He seems to have a great temperment. We can't believe how happy he is most of the time. You just have to glance at him and smile and he will light up with a big grin. He loves to be talked to and lets you know if you aren't paying enough attention to him. He also loves to lay on the floor and play with his toys, but will get frustrated if he loses something. He never has to fuss long before his big sister is running to his rescue to pick up whatever he has lost. She keeps pretty close tabs on what he is doing. He is still sleeping great, usually 8:30 pm to 8:00 am. He's napping from 9:30-11:30 and 2:00-5:00 approximately. He has gotten so he really never lets out a peep when we lay him down to sleep. It's almost as if he is relieved to be getting to rest. He does love to eat and sleep! We haven't tried any solid foods yet as I'm not excited for the disaster at mealtime. I have everything ready to go to try at 6 months.

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