Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shelly & Kids come to stay....

Taking the little kids around the circle in the wagon

Shelly & the kids came and spent the night with us as time was getting short before school was starting.  I didn't take many pictures but the girls enjoyed each and every moment together as usual.  We tried letting them sleep in the same room, but that proved to not be a good idea.  Reese also didn't have a great night in the basement with Shelly.  Sam and Owen did great.  We enjoyed some time at the park and bike riding around the circle.  Owen still idolizes everything Sam does and Ava loves her time with Addie! 
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Denny & Angie...

Grandpa pushing Owen on the big swing (for maybe 2 minutes before Owen is scared)

Brad giving Sam a ride

Owen isn't so sure about letting Reese on his favorite trike

Campfire time

Ava loved swinging up high in the trees! 

The kids with my Uncle Denny & Angie

We had a wonderful visit to the farm to see my Uncle Denny and Angie.  Angie was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer so they made a huge trip around the country visiting all the relatives and friends, as this was her wish.  We were glad they made a stop in Sanborn so that we could see them.  So sad to see Angie suffering, but her attitude is amazing.  She's a trooper! 
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