Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pumpkins, Petting Zoo & Our Little Pumpkins....

The annual wagon ride out to pick pumpkins....

There were plenty of pumpkins to choose from

Ava wrestling her big pumpkin over to the wagon

Owen picked one just his size

Obviously, a very windy day, but at least the sun was shining.

We made our annual trip to Worthington to the Ocheda Orchard where we picked pumpkins and bought fresh apples.  The kids were really into it this year and wanted to carry their own pumpkins from the patch.  It was pretty cute watching them struggling to carry them.  We also enjoyed the petting zoo and kids play area at an acerage just down the road.  It was quite windy, but wasn't too cold and at least wasn't raining.  We topped off the day with a trip to DQ for supper....definitely a good day and one of my favorites of the year.
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Arnolds Park Trip....


We made an end of summer trip to Okoboji as Brad hadn't been there at all this year.  We did some boat shopping at a couple marinas and then hit Arnolds Park where the kids had a ball as usual.  We topped off the day with Bob's drive in and a little time at the beach.  Fun day!
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