Pass Times: She also loves to sing. The tunes you can recognize include "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Itsy, Bitsy Spider", "Alphabet Song", and "Rock-a-Bye Baby". She does pretty well at all the songs although they are quite rushed at times. She just exploded with the alphabet one day when I hadn't heard her say more than A,B,C in a row. She certainly loves anything to do with music, dancing, or singing. She also loves to count or anything with numbers. She can count up to 13.
Weight: 32 lbs 10 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 35 inches (80th percentile)
Food: Ava continues to be a great eater. She loves pretty much all food and has added another fruit to her list. She now loves grapes and asks for them several times a day. She regularly asks for pizza or cheeseburgers, although she never seems disappointed with an alternative that I make for supper. She isn't as great with the vegatables as she once was, but still loves green beans and broccoli.
Sleep: Ava usually sleeps from 8 or 8:30 pm until 7:30-8:00 am with about a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons. We have no complaints in that department as she continues to be a great sleeper, although very light. If we are up really early, she typically wakes up too. If you are lucky, she may go back to sleep, but not always.
Language: It seems Ava is adding a few words to her vocabulary nearly every day. It is so amazing how quickly toddlers pick up what words mean. Many of her consonants are not correct at the beginning of words, but I'm sure that will come with time. One of her new words right now is "honey" which means "hungry". Imagine that...another word associated with food! She spends lots of time asking where Daddy is now. She usually talks about how "Daddy workin" or "Daddy bye bye truck" (Mommy is always bye bye car). She is so much more aware of what is going on now that it is hard to slip things past her.
Ava is just getting over her first sickness in a while. Last week, I took her to the doctor and she had an upper respitory infection and ear infection. She is sleeping great now and seems to be better. Hopefully, this isn't a sign of a long winter of sickness. I had forgotten how not fun it is to have a sick child!
Well...we enter the "terrible two's". Hopefully we will survive!