Thursday, November 11, 2010

Some Fun Pics...

Owen loves time on his changing table!
Owen fits perfectly in Ava's new doll stroller
Our little diva!
Our house never seems to be dull these days. There is always something going on, but it doesn't seem so overwhelming anymore. It is just our life. It was our idea to put Owen in Ava's stroller to see if he fit, and she was not thrilled to have him take the place of her beloved doll. We are beginning to settle into a routine. Owen seems to be a little more predictable and Ava seems to be pretty adjusted to how things are. Hard to believe what life was like without these two!

Ava's 3rd Birthday Party...

Family Photo Ava, Shelly, Addie, & Owen getting his 2nd bottle
Grandma Joyce & Owen
Ava posing by her stroller from Grandma Chris
Opening her pony from Hannah
The cake I made
Ava LOVED everyone singing to her!
Gets all the candles blown out...
Ava's 3rd birthday party was very fun this year, as she was really into it. She has been SO excited for her party for so long, that she was just giddy when the day actually arrived. She watched me make the cake and couldn't wait for all the people to come. When guests started to arrive, she was extremely excited and I really couldn't even get her to pause for a photo. Guests included both sets of grandparents, Shelly, Jason, Sam, Addison, Hannah, and Luke. I made ham and cheesy potatoes, and we also had green beans (courtesty of Shelly) and taco salad (courtesy of Joyce). We then opened gifts. Ava got so many wonderful gifts. She loves them all! Highlights include her purse, stroller, lip gloss, toothbrush, and jewelry. Everyone did such a wonderful job getting her things she loves! Then it was time to sing and blow out her candles. The look on her face as everyone sang to her was absolutely priceless! She couldn't have been more happy! She was disappointed when the party was over and everyone left. She got up Monday morning and said "my happy birthday party is all over mom" with the extremely sad look! I think her favorite part was everyone singing to her and blowing out the candles. I'm now working on building up Christmas, but I don't think it will be the same without a cake and candles!

Owen is 3 Weeks Old & A Fun Comparison to His Sister..

Ava - 3 weeks
Wide Awake Mommy!
A sly little smile....
Owen is already 3 weeks old! He continues to be a pretty good baby overall. He's sleeping better all the time. He's typically up every 3 hours (you can set your watch by him), but is eating and then going back down to sleep. He's still sleeping in our bed, but we are fine with it for now as at least we are getting some rest. He has his fussy time around 5 pm, but for the most part, he doesn't cry a lot. At 3 1/2 weeks, I had to take him back to the doctor for a final check of his jaundice, and he weighed 12 lbs 4 oz! I nearly fell over! He's certainly not struggling in the weight gain department. He has surpassed his sister's size by a long shot. She was only 9 lbs 5 oz at 2 weeks old and just over 10 lbs at 4 weeks.