Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some visitors & Owen 7 weeks

The Loosbrock family (minus Nick) came over to meet Owen. We love visitors and it was fun to catch up. Let's be honest...we don't get out much so we welcome people to come over!

Owen 7 weeks & Ava

He's so tiny, isn't he?

At 7 weeks, Owen is so smiley! He lights up and grins when you talk to him almost all the time. He seems to be getting so big so fast! He is sleeping more, going 6 hours at a time at night. Typical night is 11pm to 5 am now and then up again around 7:30 or 8:00 am. He eats less often throughout the day too. He seems to have less fussy times and much more happy times which is nice for us. I can't believe he's nearly 2 months old and I go back to work this week. Ugh! The good news is I only work a few days and then we are off for Christmas break. Luckily, we have Hannah to make the transition so much easier!

Thanksgiving at the Sieve's...

Layne & Owen

Owen - 6 weeks

Ava loved the sit-n-spin Grandma hauled out for her

James and Layne are graciously allowing Ava to play (mess up) their game of Sorry.
Joyce made a wonderful Thankgiving meal and had the family home for Thanksgiving. We ate turkey and all the sides, then relaxed the rest of the day. Ava enjoyed playing with the older kids and seemed to get into her share of mischief. Owen slept most of the day and was really only awake every few hours to eat. Can only imagine what next year will be like? It was good to see all the family again.

Carly Joy...

Owen 6 weeks, Carly 5 weeks

Even Owen's hands are way bigger!

We finally got to meet our newest niece, Carly Joy Springer on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Lisa and Roy made the trip down from Alexandria for the holiday. She was very cute and so petite compared to Owen. They seemed to enjoy batting hands at each other when we put them next to each other. They even seemed to react to each other's cries (maybe hospital nursery memories?). It will be fun to watch them grow up together! I don't think she will ever catch up to Owen's size though!!

Thanksgiving Day...

Family Photo Grandpa & Grandma with Ava & Owen
My parents are in Tucson every year visiting my sister, and our plans with the Sieve side weren't until Saturday, so we decided to go to the Countryside in Adrian for the Thanksgiving Day buffet. We called Gary and Joyce to see if they wanted to meet us and they did. The food was great and it was nice to have no mess to clean up. We headed out to the farm after dinner to relax. It was a fun day for Owen's first Thanksgiving.

Tis the Season (Owen is 6 weeks)...

Caught a Smile...

The tree is up, but no ornaments yet. Owen is in his PJ's however it is wishful thinking that he would be going to bed soon. He usually doesn't go to sleep until around 11pm. At 6 weeks, Owen seemed to turn a corner in the sleep department. He started going 5 hour stretches at night. His typical night is 11:30 pm, up at 4 or 4:30, and then up at 7:30 am. We are thrilled with getting more sleep. He is sleeping alone in the pack-n-play now so that is also a welcome change for mom and dad. I think I'm still catching up on sleep because even with the new changes, I'm still not jumping out of bed in the morning.

Ava couldn't have been more excited to get the Christmas tree up. She loves to play with the lights button at the bottom of tree and is in charge of when the lights get turned on every day. She has located her ornament that says "baby's first Christmas" with her name on it from Grandma Chris. She loves to play with it and move it around the tree. Otherwise, she leaves most ornaments alone. We've talked about the stockings and Santa. She seems very excited. I think it could be a fun Christmas...

Owen 5 Weeks

They don't look related at all...
My tiny boy weighed 14 lbs 3 oz at almost 6 weeks. We were back to the doctor to get his thyroid checked and it is still mildly elevated with a TSH of 5.5. We decided to delay treatment and recheck it again at his 2 month well check. He's getting so big already!!
Daddy and Owen love to nap together.

Ava's 3 Year Old Stats...

She loves brushing her teeth!

I am a bit behind, but I finally got Ava to the doctor for her 3 year well check on November 23rd. By all accounts, Ava is a healthy 3 year old girl. Here are the stats since this is her scrapbook.....
Weight: 41 lbs (95th percentile)
Height: 39 1/4 inches tall (88th percentile).
Yes, she continues to be at the top of the charts for growth. She was an excellent patient for Dr. Crabtree. I think she secretly loves to go to the doctor. She let him listen to her heart and lungs and even look in her throat and ears. She was an angel! To be honest, I think she was happy that she was finally at a doctor's appointment that was about her instead of Mom or Owen!
Sleep: Typically from 8:30 or 9 pm until 7:30. She takes naps about 4 days out of the week, although I make her rest everyday. When she naps, they are long (about 2-3 hours).
Behaviors: She continues to make us laugh all the time. She can tell some elaborate stories sometimes and has quite the imagination. She loves to sing many made up songs. The lyrics are typically a blend of several songs with her own added twists.
Some funny things she's said:
She woke up in the morning and said, "Mom, I had a rough night with my baby."
She was combing my hair and said, "I have to comb your hair and I'm having some issues."
She was on a pretend phone conversation when I asked her to get ready for bed, "I can't Mom because I'm busy trying to text somebody."
Also on her pretend phone, "You have to be quiet Mom because I'm trying to talk on the phone to Grandma."
Obviously, some things I have said are coming back to haunt me! She is quite the character! She continues to love to be social. She often asks me right away in the morning where she is going that day? I try to get out of the house every day, even if it's just to the carwash and picking up gas or she gets cabin fever. What would we ever do without this beautiful little girl?