Sunday, December 5, 2010

Some visitors & Owen 7 weeks

The Loosbrock family (minus Nick) came over to meet Owen. We love visitors and it was fun to catch up. Let's be honest...we don't get out much so we welcome people to come over!

Owen 7 weeks & Ava

He's so tiny, isn't he?

At 7 weeks, Owen is so smiley! He lights up and grins when you talk to him almost all the time. He seems to be getting so big so fast! He is sleeping more, going 6 hours at a time at night. Typical night is 11pm to 5 am now and then up again around 7:30 or 8:00 am. He eats less often throughout the day too. He seems to have less fussy times and much more happy times which is nice for us. I can't believe he's nearly 2 months old and I go back to work this week. Ugh! The good news is I only work a few days and then we are off for Christmas break. Luckily, we have Hannah to make the transition so much easier!

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