Monday, August 24, 2009

More fair fun and the markers....

Ava sitting on the mower at the Nobles County Fair Ava & Daddy Ava loves markers!
Thank goodness the markers are washable!
Just some fun pictures from the month of August. We have been hitting the area county fairs pretty hard this year. It's nice relaxed entertainment for kids and Ava loves the animals. We saw lots of people we knew from Worthington and, of course, hit the malt stand which is always a hit in our family!
We recently had to take away the markers that are deemed "safe" for 18 months olds as my toddler managed to make a thorough disaster of them. She discovered if she laid on the floor holding the marker abover her and pushed the side of the tip of the marker, the liquid would run out on to her face. It missed going in her mouth by about a 1/2 inch. Maybe we'll resurrect those for when she is about 6!

Ava is Potty Trained During the Day....

Modeling her "big girl underwear" Waiting patiently....
I almost hesitate to put this in print as we may curse ourselves, but Ava seems to be potty trained. We started the ordeal on August 7th, and it was about a week before we felt comfortable that she wasn't going to have accidents if we left her unattended. The first day and a half in underwear were filled with potty accidents. Then, she figured out that it would be better to hold it. She was down to just using the potty about twice a day and that wasn't pretty, and then going in her diaper at night. Well, on day 5, I decided that wasn't going to work. So, I waited several hours (after two glasses of water) and then we literally "camped" on the potty chair in the living room when I knew she had to go. She didn't really cry, but I had to remind her several times to stay on the potty until she went. We read lots of books and sang many songs...but eventually after 1 hour and 50 minutes, she went. Then later that evening, she decided to test Brad for over an hour, and then finally went for him. It took a couple of more days, but she goes whenever we ask her too now. She won't volunteer to go potty very often. We are hoping this comes with time. She still wears a diaper or pullups at nap and bedtime and that has been when she waits to have her bowel movements. Obviously, we still have some work ahead of us, but at least she is using the potty. We just recently got her to go on the big potty with the special seat, so at least we don't have to cart the potty chair everywhere we go. Baby steps....