After licking the spatula

Riding on Mommy's shoulders

Carrying several things as usual

Ava gets a hold of Daddy's cell phone

Preparing for her somersault
Okay, so Ava probably is not going to be a gymnast, but she certainly loves to do flips on the floor. She started doing the stance pictured above a couple of weeks ago, and we would flip her over when she'd do it. Well, needless to say, ever since then she assumes the position with hopes that someone will see her and flip her over much to her delight. Other favorite activities right now for Ava include carrying 5-6 small toys at a time around the house and dispersing them into cabinets or under furniture. She also loves to play under the kitchen sink and in the pantry at any chance she gets. She is very good at making messes faster than I can keep them picked up! She is also getting a little fussier about eating. We have to hide any bread items from her until she has eaten her main dish or she will refuse to eat until she gets the bread (this has caused some unhappy moments). She is also starting to run away when she knows you want her to do something (i.e. change her diaper). We are throwing out quite a few "no's" to her lately as it seems she is always into something that we don't want her to. Most of the time, she is pretty good and will stop, but not always.