Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ava's 3 Year Old Stats...

She loves brushing her teeth!

I am a bit behind, but I finally got Ava to the doctor for her 3 year well check on November 23rd. By all accounts, Ava is a healthy 3 year old girl. Here are the stats since this is her scrapbook.....
Weight: 41 lbs (95th percentile)
Height: 39 1/4 inches tall (88th percentile).
Yes, she continues to be at the top of the charts for growth. She was an excellent patient for Dr. Crabtree. I think she secretly loves to go to the doctor. She let him listen to her heart and lungs and even look in her throat and ears. She was an angel! To be honest, I think she was happy that she was finally at a doctor's appointment that was about her instead of Mom or Owen!
Sleep: Typically from 8:30 or 9 pm until 7:30. She takes naps about 4 days out of the week, although I make her rest everyday. When she naps, they are long (about 2-3 hours).
Behaviors: She continues to make us laugh all the time. She can tell some elaborate stories sometimes and has quite the imagination. She loves to sing many made up songs. The lyrics are typically a blend of several songs with her own added twists.
Some funny things she's said:
She woke up in the morning and said, "Mom, I had a rough night with my baby."
She was combing my hair and said, "I have to comb your hair and I'm having some issues."
She was on a pretend phone conversation when I asked her to get ready for bed, "I can't Mom because I'm busy trying to text somebody."
Also on her pretend phone, "You have to be quiet Mom because I'm trying to talk on the phone to Grandma."
Obviously, some things I have said are coming back to haunt me! She is quite the character! She continues to love to be social. She often asks me right away in the morning where she is going that day? I try to get out of the house every day, even if it's just to the carwash and picking up gas or she gets cabin fever. What would we ever do without this beautiful little girl?

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