Ava with her present from Mom & Dad

Addie liked the kitchen too

With her birthday cupcake- complete with M&M's

The cake - looks professional, right?

Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday

With her new stroller from Aunt Shelly

Daddy and the birthday girl

Opening presents

Her new baby from Aunt Shelly

Playing with her cookie and sandwich set from Grandma Chris
It seems like we just celebrated Ava's first birthday, and here it is her 2nd birthday already! Where does the time go? We started out the day with her hiding in our bedroom with me while Brad put her kitchen set together. We brought her out to see it in the living room and she was very excited. I had a hard time getting any pictures because she would not turn to look at me as she was way too busy trying out all the features. It seemed to be a hit, so that was exciting for us. We then started decorating the Minnie Mouse themed party. We told everyone to come for her party around 3:00 pm as she has been waking up from her naps lately by 3:30 or so. Well, not on her birthday. She was still sleeping hard at 4:15. Brad, Shelly, and I were talking right next to her in her crib, and she finally peeked an eye open, and then suddenly she was awake and smiling...great news for us! She came out of her room to be greeted by Grandpa and Grandma Sieve, Grandpa and Grandma VM, Jason, Shelly, Sam, Addison, Lori, James, Luke and Hannah (her sitter). We opened gifts first which Ava really had no interest in. She seemed to just mill around the room among all the people wondering what was going on. Luckily, Sam and Addie were able to take the reigns on gift opening and even added their own spin of emotion. She did join in for a little bit, but for the most part, she really didn't care until some of the gifts were opened and she could play with them. We had pulled pork sandwiches with salads for the meal because Ava loves any sandwiches like this and is also a big fan of grapes in the fruit salad. She did not eat any of her cupcake, but instead ate all the M&M's off the top and then asked for more. I did give her a scoop of ice cream which she polished off in short order. Overall, the party was fun and chaotic all at the same time. We were just happy she was in a better mood as she pretty much cried the whole time last year. It was great to have all the family and friends here for the festivities. Thanks everybody!
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