Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring is Here...Maybe?

Riding around the circle for the first time on her own bike
Ava has not forgotten her love for sunglasses...
Riding her trike
We haven't had any incredibly warm days yet, but we have had some "tolerable" days where Ava has been able to play outside, mostly highs in the 40's. She has enjoyed time on the bike and swingset this year. Her favorite was today when her and Daddy took a few spins around the circle on their bikes. There are some pretty good hills and Ava has never been able to ride her bike down the big hills without being scared and Brad having to help her. Well, she has now figured out how to brake on her bike. She must have asked Brad 50 times if they could go around the circle again after their inital 6 times around! This is pretty exciting!

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