Daddy and Ava have a lot of fun these days playing around on the floor. He chases her, throws her in the air, and scares her. You name it, she loves it! Ava lights up when she hears the door slam and she knows Daddy is home. She can't wait for the "horse play" to begin.
Ava has another tooth that has just poked through on the bottom. This makes tooth #5 and I think #6 will be close behind with the one next to it on the bottom. She is doing better with the teething. She is back to sleeping through the night again which is great for everyone:))
We are enjoying watching Ava's personality evolve. It seems that she is always grinning which we hope continues. She is doing a lot more talking. She uses much more inflection in her voice, so you know when she means business and when she is excited. She has learned to wave "bye, bye" and she can also say it, but not on command yet. She also says "ball" and will go and get it if you ask her.
Ava seems to love pretty much all foods right now. She still eats a jar of baby food here and there if we are not eating at the same time, but for the most part, she eats off the table. Her favorites lately are oatmeal with bananas, spaghetti, chicken and rice hotdish, garlic bread, and squash. I also save little portions of the veggies we eat, mash them a little with a fork, and reheat them for her meals and she loves them. She is pretty easy to please so we are not complaining.
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