Playing with her puzzle pieces - wonder when she may want to play with the puzzle itself?

Eating applesauce with Daddy
This month seems to be getting away from me and I don't really know that I have any excuses. Ava is keeping us busy as usual. She has made some good progress in the behavior category as she is starting to understand what "no" means...that is great for us. She still opens all the cupboard doors, but will close them when we tell her to (yeah!). She seems to be able to understand much more of what we are saying. She certainly is showing us what she enjoys lately, especially music. She loves when I turn music on in the house. She immediately begins to sway back and forth...her version of "dancing". She smiles and will continue to do it for 10 to 15 minutes. Music can brighten her mood immediately! She also has a couple new words, one being "hot" and the other is "bite". Of course, both of these are related to eating....her favorite pass time. She tries to say lots of words so we are anxious as to which one we will be able to make out next. Ava has also taken a liking to TV lately. She really pays attention, especially if there is music on.
At her 15 month well check, she weighed 24 lbs 3 oz and was 30.75" long. She is doing well and has a healthy appetite. She is eating lots of veggies which I am happy she likes. Faves right now are green beans, squash, carrots, and broccoli. Some day she may eat a fruit, but it's not looking good at this point.
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