Daddy & Ava going down the slide

She has no fears...all the way to the top of the biggest slide

Shear delight!

Riding the horse
Our little munchkin would never miss a chance to go to the park. She is having trouble adjusting to the fact that we can't go outside every day. She often asks to go outside and if we can go to the park. I will then bring her to the window and show her that it is cold and rainy, and she will let it go for about an hour before bringing it up again. Her faves are still the swing and slide. It was brisk, but she never complained about being cold. On a side note, Ava has now added the number 6 back in when she counts to 10, so we are glad about that. We are trying to get Ava to learn her colors right now. Despite our efforts, the only color she likes to say is "dareen" (green). If you ask her what color something is, this is her default response.
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