We escaped for a weekend getaway to Bridges Bay in Okoboji. We did not get there as soon as we would have liked to on Friday night as Brad had a million service calls. This always seems to happen when we have plans to leave town. We were excited to take Ava as we thought she'd have so much fun this year with her being older. She wasn't thrilled with the actual pool part. She walked around a little, but in true girl fashion, got frightened every time someone splashed or got near her. We then opted to put her in her float and enjoy the lazy river. Enjoy was exactly what she did. She loved it! She grinned for the entire time she was in it. Then my cousins came down from Minnesota and the real fun started. They paid lots of attention to Ava and were very willing to chaperone her trips around the lazy river after my cousin Lisa and I felt nauseated from the 100 or so trips around we made. I would guess Ava spent 3-4 hours in the lazy river that day! She cried when it was time to get out. Following two nearly sleepless nights (loudest place we have ever stayed & Ava got woke up several times), we checked out Sunday and managed to do a little Christmas shopping on our way home. It was a fun weekend, but looking forward to a peaceful nights sleep!
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