The Rail Comes Off...
We decided it was time for Ava to not be "confined" to her crib anymore. While we don't have her "big girl bed" yet, we thought it would be a nice transition to just take the side rail off her crib and put the toddler bed side on it. This way, she can come and go by her herself. The first few days went extremely well after our talk about not getting out of her crib until she woke up. She was very obedient and took good naps and slept normally for those first few days. It was a little hard for us to get used to at first, especially her coming in our room and staring at me in the morning when I was still sleeping. Well, we have had a few rough evenings since then. She has come out at 10 or 10:30pm wide eyed and raring to go. She will gladly go back to her crib when we tell her she has to, but I think she just likes the idea that she can come out and see what we are up to. Her sleeping has gotten to be a little less as she is waking up earlier, but hopefully this goes back to normal once she adjusts. She is growing up!
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