Day 2: About 8 hours into building

Ava really loved the "clubhouse" part & "helping" daddy

Our neighbor Haley and Ava

All the neighbors were happy it was finished!

After some near begging on my part, I finally talked Brad into getting a swingset. It wasn't the purchase that he was dreading, but rather the putting it together that he knew would be a time consuming process. Just a few short days after purchase, he decided to attack the project. Foolishly, we started Day 1 in the afternoon thinking we would have it complete by sundown. Well, we were wrong! There were so many boards and 50 different kinds of hardware. We were amazed! We put in approximately 6 hours together on Day 1 with barely a square erected at the bottom of the clubhouse. Darkness and rainfall sent us to bed. On Day 2, Brad was flying solo (much better off in my opinion) and really made progress. After a full 9 hour day and Ava's great anticipation, it was done. The neighbors came over and helped Ava break it in. To say she loves it would be an understatement. She asks to play on the slide any chance she gets. It didn't take her long to master the ladder or the rock wall, so she is able to get into the clubhouse without a problem. We are so glad we got it now because Ava is at the perfect age to enjoy it.
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