Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mom & Dad with Owen - 3 months

So hard to believe Owen has tripped the 3 month mark already! He is growing up way too fast! At 3 months, he is such a joy to have around. He smiles so much and is really starting to show some personality. He loves to talk and make girgling noises, especially when you imitate him and do it back. He certainly doesn't mind attention and loves to have someone talking to him. He is sleeping great! Usually he is down by 9:30-10:00 pm and will sleep until 8:30 or 9:00 am! These almost 12 hour nights are shocking, but he does it! He went from waking every 6 hours to this new pattern with out much in between. Sometimes, he will wake up around 6-7 am and eat, but then will go back down again right away until 10:00 am or longer. We recently started using Zantac for his reflux, although I can't tell it's really doing much good. Time will tell. We see the pediatric endocrinologist again this week to recheck his thyroid. Hopefully, it will be normal this time!

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