Sunday, June 12, 2011

Owen 7 Months...

One of the "babies"- he was just a little bigger than the baby on his left when we brought him home from the hospital
He loves wheels!

At 7 months, Owen is quite the character. He loves to play on the floor and so full of smiles. He loves attention, especially from his big sister.
Sleep: Owen is sleeping from 8:00pm to 7:30 or 8:00 am. He is taking two naps, usually each of them will be around 2 hours each. He is a very good sleeper.
Food: Owen is cutting back a little on milk and is picking up on solid foods. He still eats a half jar of baby food, once per day, but I think he would eat 3 jars if I let him. He loves to eat and his skills are improving every day.
Activity: Owen is very busy. He is constantly moving and looking around. It is rare to see him sitting still. He prefers to be on the floor where he can navigate to wherever he wants to go. He is moving by rolling and scooting, but no sign of crawling. He is really playing with toys, especially Ava's toys that have wheels on them like her stroller. It's almost as if he is attracted to those wheels! It must be a boy thing!
His temperment is very mellow. We really don't hear much out of him unless it is time for a nap or some food. He is very happy playing with toys and moving around, especially if Ava plays too!

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