Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ava turns 4 years old....

Enjoying her birthday waffles before preschool playing piano
Posing with her gifts from Mom & Dad
Blowing out the candles
The excitement over a doll hairbrush
Ava with her Bitty Babies
Ava had a fairly busy day on her birthday. We got up early and made her waffles for her birthday breakfast before preschool. She came back from preschool with a birthday crown and pin, so I think she had a good day there. I had her gifts wrapped and sitting on the table when she got home from preschool. I told her we couldn't open them until that night when Daddy got home. She anxiously awaited Daddy's arrival home, and asked about 10 times when he was going to be home. She requested Daddy's homeade pizza and pineapple for supper. She had dance, so Daddy made the pizza and had it ready for us when we got home. They even sang Happy Birthday to her at dance! I did talk her into "birthday brownies" instead of cake or cupcakes because we were kind of caked out after Owen's birthday and then the birthday party. She was fine with that and thoroughly enjoyed brownies and ice cream after supper. Her big gift from us was a set of Bitty Baby twins. I was at the American Girl store at the MOA and I thought they were so cute. She had also picked them out in the American Girl catalog we get. She seemed pretty excited about them, but I don't think they rank up with the computer or piano just yet!
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