To be fair, Owen took his very first steps on October 28, 2011 at just 2 weeks past his first birthday. It was just a single step unassisted on that day. By October 30 at his birthday party, he was taking 3-4 steps before falling. Within the last week at just past 13 months, he has really taken off. He now uses walking as his primary mode of transportation. He can easily get up to standing in the middle of the floor and just take off and walk across the house. He can't quite keep up with Ava yet, but he is close. It seems like he is just toddling around everywhere now, and he is very proud of his new skill. He couldn't be happier to be off the floor and up with the rest of us. He is a bit shaky at times, but overall he seems to have made the transition without many obstacles. He is such a big boy already!! 

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