Ava really seems to be getting so much more mature lately. She is a very good helper and is learning to do more things for herself all the time. She is getting very good at making her own bed and voluntarily picks up her room and toyroom quite often because she wants to "organize". She puts away all her own laundry and has learned to hang up her clothes in the closet. She even puts Owen's clothes away. She is a huge help with Owen and will recognize that I'm trying to get something done (like get supper ready) and just offer to take Owen somewhere else or bring him a toy that he likes to distract him. She still loves to know exactly what is going on ahead of time. She is very good about going to a new daycare once per week in addition to having Hannah come, and having different people pick her up from preschool. It's a lot for me to coordinate, but Ava takes all the change in stride and knows exactly what's going on. Laura is the other gal that watches the kids and she tells me every day when I pick the kids up that Ava is such a nice little girl and is so helpful. Of course, she still can throw a fit every now and again and misbehave like any other kid, but it really feels like she is growing up way too fast! 

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