Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sioux Falls Zoo Trip with Shelly & kids....


Reese was such a sport for the trip!

The train ride was a big hit, especially with Owen

Owen loved riding horses with Sam

So did the girls!

We had a beautiful day for a trip to the zoo in Sioux Falls.  We met up with Shelly so all the kids could enjoy it together.  The older kids really seemed to enjoy seeing the animals and running around.  However, Owen was not amused.  He was pretty much scared of every animal we saw, especially the peacocks that roam the zoo freely.  He had to be held whenever we saw one while he tried to wrap himself around my neck!  I'm glad we weren't planning a trip to the big Omaha zoo or anything this year, because Owen would not have enjoyed it.  I should have known as he's scared of very small dogs! 
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