Saturday, November 2, 2013

Owen's 3rd Birthday!

I had to work on Owen's birthday, so the day before, we made his requested big cookie.

I had my students come an hour late that day so I could have breakfast with the kids before work.  As luck would have it, Owen slept the latest he has ever slept in forever!  We finally had to wake him up shortly after 8:00.  He was quite disappointed that Ava was already gone to school and generally not happy to get up.  After he sang "Happy Birthday"to him and he had his banana down, he did perk up.  Brad and I enjoyed breakfast with the birthday boy.

There's my happy boy!

It was a crazy evening after work.  Ava has dance on Tuesdays, so we did not get home early.  We enjoyed Owen's big cookie in the basement.  He asked me about when he could eat that cookie at least 20 times in the 24 hours prior to his birthday evening, and wouldn't you know, he only ate about 3 bites!  In typical Owen form, he just doesn't have to eat a lot of sweets.

Ava was quite excited for her brother's birthday & enjoyed singing to him.

With his presents.

And the surprise Daddy had out in the shop.  He literally wore the wheels off his little "big wheel", so we got a bigger one!

Ava picked out a bat and tee for him.

A new "trencher" just like Dad's.

It was a fun evening celebrating Owen's birthday.  So hard to believe our little boy is 3 already! 
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