Owen was the first one up, so he got to play with the one toy Santa didn't wrap: a new parking garage!

Ava's unwrapped gift from Santa was a new electric scooter. She was surprised at Santa's change of heart not to wrap it and thought Owen had unwrapped it while she was sleeping.

Both kids were sure they heard Santa on the roof and coming in the house during the night, but they knew they had better not come out of their rooms and check. Ava was also not surprised by the fact that Santa didn't eat all the cookies she left for him as she knew he would be getting full from all those stops. She also knew he only liked red frosted cookes, of course. They weren't as sad to say goodbye to our elf, Gordy, as I thought they would be. We enjoyed a fun morning of playing with toys in our PJ's, pancakes, and relaxing!
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