Ava watching Daddy clear the driveway

Ava checking out the snow

Just the first few inches of snow...more to come!
Christmas this year was spent at home, just the three of us. With the forecast predicting 12-18 inches of snow, we were forced to stay home on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On the first day of snow, Ava was very excited to go outside and willingly put on all the snow gear. Perhaps, she was sick of being inside as she had only asked to go 'bye, bye car" about twenty times before I brought up going outside to play. She wasn't thrilled to play in the snow, but she did like watching Daddy in the skidloader. She stood and watched Brad go back and forth for almost an hour. She'd periodically ask me "What's Daddy doin?", but would never take her eyes off of him. We got her a little kids snow scoop, but she really didn't want anything to do with scooping.
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