It's so hard to believe Ava is 2 1/2 years old already. She is growing up and becoming quite the little lady. As I've been able to do less for her with being on bed rest, she has learned to become more independent. There are many things she can do for herself if she wants to including dressing herself, getting her own beverages from the fridge, and using the bathroom. She is also getting pretty good at following directions.
Sleep: Ava is typically sleeping from 8:30 pm to 7:00 am with a two to three hour nap in the afternoons. She is rising earlier these days which has been an adjustment.
Food/Eating: She continues to be a very good eater. She can be a little fussy about her veggies, but will still eat most of them. She loves sandwiches of any kind, chicken nuggets, cheeseburgers, and several fruits. Of course, her true love is cookies or any sort of baked item. She will do almost anything to get her hands on something like this!
Communication: Ava seems to progressing very well in the speech category. She comes up with new phrases that never cease to amaze us. She is into referencing time right now. She often says "I go to the park later" or "I can ride my tricycle after nap". She has become quite a kidder. She will sometimes make up words and see if she can get one of us to repeat the strange word, and then she will laugh hysterically!
Being unable to do all the fun mom stuff has been a little difficult for me. I miss doing things just the two of us like shopping and hitting the park, but Ava seems to be adjusting very well. We do more things as a family which has been good and Daddy can handle all the lifting and physical activity. We have lots of visitors and Ava still gets to do many fun things. She just knows now that it isn't ever just her and I for the day if Brad goes to work and always asks who is coming over. It's amazing how quickly children catch on to things!
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