Saturday, September 11, 2010

Big Sibling Class at Luverne Hospital...

The nurse talking about babies Touring the birthing suite
Watching the Movie
The community education office offered a "big sibling" class at the Luverne Hospital. We didn't think it would hurt Ava to get a little better acquainted with what will happen when the baby comes. The class began with a movie that lasted a bit too long for Ava's taste. She sat for about 5 minutes, and then began wandering about. Luckily, she wasn't the only one. Then the nurse had a doll and talked about what was appropriate for a baby to eat and play with. We then toured a birthing suite and had snack (Ava's highlight of course!). She seemed to enjoy the doll, but probably would have liked it better if she could have actually played with it herself. We'll see how she does with the real thing....

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