Inside the Tumble Bus

The Tumble Bus pulling up to the house

Ava & Addie playing dress up - check out the shoes!
Ava and I made the trip to Sioux City for my neice Addie's 4th Birthday party. Brad has been quite busy, so he wasn't able to make it. It was Addie's first friend party, so there were lots of little girls running around the house. The highlight was the Tumble Bus which is basically an old school bus converted into a play/gymnastics area. Ava was scared at first, so I stood in the front of the bus until she got used to it. Soon she was joining in with the other girls doing the activities. She was the youngest and not quite as good at following directions as the seasoned preschoolers, but she enjoyed it. It has been over a week since the party, and she's still asking where the Tumble Bus is. The girls had cookies, opened gifts, and played outside. It was a gorgeous day. I can't believe my neice is 4 already!
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