Making cupcakes with Mommy

Licking the spatula....

Lighting the candles....
Blowing them out (first birthday she's actually been successful!)
Opening presents from Mom & Dad
On November 1st, Ava had her 3rd birthday! She is modeling the shirt Hannah made for her in the pictures. So cute! I can't believe she is 3 already. She seems so big and mature, especially since Owen has been born. She is such a big helper, getting me the phone, burp cloths, helping change diapers, and anything else she can reach or do. She's so willing to help out with anything she can, and it makes her feel so special when I thank her for being a big helper. She is really adjusting well to being a big sister. We didn't do a lot on her actual birthday. I promised her we'd make cupcakes which she dearly loves. I also made her request for supper which was "chicken with sauce" which translates to a roasted chicken which we cut up and put bbq sauce on it for her. She ate every last morsel along with her broccoli and squash. She was so excited for Daddy to come home so we could sing happy birthday, and she could blow out her candles. Hannah and Luke ended up joining us for supper which was fun. Daddy got her the helicopter they'd been watching the last few weeks in Bomgaars, her favorite present. It has lots of buttons that light it up and play sounds. She also got magnetic dolls that you can change their outfits and a doll high chair. Our families are coming for a party this weekend and she is very excited!
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