Friday, November 5, 2010

Owen's First Bath....

Yes- he fell asleep! We can do nothing to keep this boy awake except if its 2 am!
Ava was taking a shower, but couldn't wait to get out and help with Owen's bath
Owen had his first real bath at 1 week, 2 days old after his belly button fell off completely and we could finally submerge his body. We did a couple sponge baths in the evening prior to this in an attempt to get him to be awake for a while, so he would possible sleep at night. The reason I had to post these is that the first bath experience went so much different than it did for his sister. Ava screamed her entire first bath and every bath she had for nearly the entire first year of her life. Owen, on the other hand, falls asleep! I think our kids will be very different!

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