Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentine's Day Party...

Making Valentines

Catherine, Linkin, & Ava

Playing with balloons

My two little valentines
Ava was invited to a Valentine's Day party at our friend Stacey Thone's house in Luverne. She has two little boys, Coulter and Coy. Stacey somehow pulled off a party with 12 kids ages 2-4 years old. I was amazed! We made valentines, had a heart candy hunt, ate heart shaped pizzas, and decorated heart shaped sugar cookies. She even had treat bags for all the kids to take home. Ava had a great time playing with all the kids. She was so excited for the party and I didn't even tell her about it until the day before Valentine's Day. She's still talking about it. Owen was pretty good considering it was a little loud for taking a nap with all the kids. He never really gets fussy as long as you hold him, but he's not going to sleep much unless he's home in his crib.

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