Friday, March 11, 2011

Ava's First ER Visit...

Much to Ava's delight, she had her very first trip to ER the other night. She had a couple cases of large quantities of blood in her stools, the second time was at 4:45pm on Friday afternoon. She was in great spirits with no fever, loss of appetite, or complaints of a tummy ache. Still, I called the clinic with my concerns, and they felt she should definitely not wait over the weekend and we should come in to the emergency room. I told Ava that we were going to go see the doctor about her bottom, and her reply was "cuz I'm really, really sick. Is that why I need to go to the doctor?" We waited for Brad to get home to stay with Owen and then we headed to the Luverne Hospital. They were a little busy when we got there, so we got to watch some TV in our room for a while. When Dr. Lyon and the nurse saw us, Ava couldn't have been more of an angel. She was thrilled to have her vitals taken and follow whatever instructions were given. Dr. Lyon said he'd have to take a look at her bottom which I told Ava that he would, and she was extremely cooperative. She just sat there, never complaining a bit about any discomfort. They also did labwork to check her hemoglobin. I told her it may hurt a bit and she seemed fine. They came in and poked her finger and she didn't even flinch. I was amazed. Needless to say, her bloodwork came back fine and Dr. Lyon said she probably had a fissure in her colon somewhere and recommended stool softeners. It was nice for mom to have the reassurance that everything was okay. The funniest part of our visit was as we were walking out, Ava turns to the nurses at the nurses station and says, "I had fun here today." Not many could say that after a rectal exam and bloodwork! They all just died laughing!

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